Today (15 Jan 2009) Jon McIntyre found and photographed a Swainson's Thrush at Joan and Scott HoltParadise Pond in Port Aransas. To the best of our knowledge this is the first documented record of this migrantspecies in winter in our state. Although this species has been reported on a number of occasions in winter (such as from the CBCs), this is the first time that similar species (such as western Hermit) can be definitively ruled out.Also of interest was a Yellow Warbler seen by Jon at the Port Aransas Turnbull Birding Center.
Jon has given us permission to publish this photograph of the bird along with this note. Thanks, Jon,and congratulations on the great find!
The Fennessey Ranch is a parcel of Texas lore, a small portion of an historic ranch that has remained in the same family for nearly two centuries. The 4000-acre ranch is bordered by the Mission River on three sides, and its impressive diversity of habitats has attracted over 400 species of birds (more than many states!). Tours are available, and may be arranged through the ranch's website.
Texas Coastal Bend Birding Organizations and Institutions
This is definitely a wonderful time to be watching birds at Port Aransas!